Syndicate Legal Support Services
(a Professional Services Corporation)
25350 Magic Mountain Parkway
Santa Clarita, California 91355
Phone: (310) 463-5122
Email: Click Here

The Shanghai Stock Exchange is a stock exchange, and is one of the two stock exchanges operating independently in the People's Republic of China (the other being the Shenzhen Stock Exchange).
Shanghai Stock Exchange is the world's 5th largest stock market by market capitalization at $3.5 Trillion USD (as of February 2016), and 2nd largest in East Asia and Asia.
Unlike the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is still not entirely open to foreign investors due to tight capital account controls exercised by the Chinese mainland authorities.
Same goes with non-Chinese companies listing on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, to date the Shanghai Stock Exchange has only accepted applications from approximately ten non-Chinese companies (one being Coca-Cola).
The Shanghai Clearing House provides security for financial market participants, and efficient clearing services development purposes, but also conductive to international peers inter-agency communication and cooperation. It provides central counterparty clearing of foreign currency in the interbank market, including clearing, settlement, margin management, collateral management, information services, consulting services, and related management department under other business.
A Chinese company has to meet the following listing requirements in order to be admitted to the Shanghai Stock Exchange:
Make an initial public offering;
Have its shares issued to the public and approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission;
Have a total stock capital of no less than 50 million RMB (approximately $7.7 Million USD);
Its publicly issued shares are no less than 25% of its shares, or 10% of the total capital stock is more than 400 million RMB (approximately $61.5 Million USD);
Have no false financial and accounting records and no legal violations within the last three years.
Before a company can list securities on the SSE, it must obtain an approval from the China Securities Regulatory Commission’s (CSRC) issuance, examination and verification committee. According to the listing procedure for the SSE, the applicant must contact the listing department, or the bond funding department, and apply for a securities code and a securities trading abbreviation. After obtaining the approval documents, the applicant must submit an issuance program and an issuance plan to the SSE.
Syndicate Legal Support Services is associated with a Shanghai Stock Exchange Market Participant and can help you observe all the necessary steps for listing a company in the Stock Exchange in Shanghai.
Rates will be based on an Hourly Rate of $45.00 per hour plus expenses incurred including, but not limited to, postage and purchase of any special software necessary to complete task. Time to complete the job will be estimated and any projects estimated over $200.00 will require a TBD down payment. Syndicate Legal Support Services Bills for Services Rendered each week. Syndicate Legal Support Services requires a signed contract, which outlines the project details, prior to beginning any work.